Cordes & Company

Financial review of records in family dispute

Subsequent to the death of a family member, there were allegations of financial mismanagement on the part of one of the other family members charged with dealing with the financial affairs of the deceased.  Cordes was retained to perform a forensic accounting of the available books and records and provide an analysis to determine how the funds were spent in a matter involving multiple different pieces of real estate and multiple different bank accounts.  The work of Cordes resulted in an extensive accounting report related to the underlying transactions and assets involved in the deceased’s estate with appropriate analyses that allowed the various family members and their professionals to understand the financial affairs of the decedent’s estate.

7979 E. Tufts Avenue
Suite 820
Denver, CO 80237
Telephone: 303.721.8755
2677 N. Innsbruck Drive
Suite A
New Brighton, MN 55112
Telephone: 612.455.0985
2030 Main Street
Suite 1300
Irvine, CA 92614
Telephone: 949.379.1202